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Mission & Vision

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Our mission

Our Mission

To develop and execute projects and programs that facilitate the implementation of best practices, the strengthening of local capacities and the impact on public policies to promote the health, well-being and social development of all people.

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Our vision

Our vision

By 2024, Sinergias will be an organization recognized locally and internationally for its long-term and independent community and institutional strengthening processes, especially for the benefit of dispersed rural, indigenous and peasant communities. By this time, Sinergias will have developed diverse methodologies and tools that allow the construction of welfare and community development models appropriate to the reality of the communities, as well as endogenous and operational research processes that provide evidence to improve the functioning and quality of the available systems. Likewise, Sinergias will influence the development of public policies to improve access to and quality of health services and the wellbeing of marginalized populations, creating comprehensive and intersectoral solutions and implementing actions to make neglected problems visible and mobilize public opinion, communities and institutions to achieve solutions and obtain resources.

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